Friday, January 30, 2009
National Review
BARTOLOMEOLI INGRID, MAIFRENI MICHELA, FRIGO FRANCESCA, RONDININI GABRIELLA, MARINO MARILENA - Valutazione della resistenza di Staphylococcus aureus a sanificanti utilizzati nell'industria alimentare, Industrie alimentari, Pinerolo (IT), 2008, Vol. XLVII, pp. 846 - 850
CANTONI CARLO, MILESI SERENA, PIRANI SILVIA, IACUMIN LUCILLA, COMI GIUSEPPE - Cause della chiazzatura blu di prodotti carnei, Industrie alimentari, Pinerolo (IT), 2008, Vol. XLVII, pp. 29 - 32
COLUGNATI G., CRESPAN G., CATTAROSSI G., COMUZZO PIERGIORGIO, ZIRONI ROBERTO - Refosco dal peduncolo rosso, un vitigno esigente, L'informatore agrario, Verona, 2008, Vol. 12, pp. 49 - 54
COMI GIUSEPPE - Caratterizzazione fisiologica e molecolare di lieviti apiculati d'interesse enologico, Quaderni di scienze viticole ed enologiche, Grugliasco (TO), 2008, Vol. 30, pp. 83 - 97
DONATI FRANCESCO, FABBRO ELENA - Da bere al degustare, Largo consumo, Milano, 2008, N. 6/2008, pp. 90 - 91
DONATI FRANCESCO, FABBRO ELENA - Le mappe del buon vino, Largo consumo, Milano, 2008, N. 6/2008, pp. 110 - 111
MILAN MATTEO, BUIATTI STEFANO, PAVSLER ANDREA - Valutazioni tecnico-economiche per la realizzazione di una micromalteria per la trasformazione di cereali destinati alla produzione di birra artigianale e altri alimenti, Notiziario ERSA, Gorizia, 2008, N. 4, pp. 48 - 51
International Review
ANESE MONICA, SOVRANO SILVIA, BORTOLOMEAZZI RENZO - Effect of radiofrequency heating on acrylamide formation in bakery products, European Food Research Technology, Heidelberg (Germany), 2008, Vol. 226, pp. 1197 - 1203
CALLIGARIS SONIA, ARRIGHETTI GIANMICHELE, BARBA LUISA, NICOLI MARIA CRISTINA - Phase transition of sunflower oil as affected by oxidation level, Journal of the American oil chemists' society, Champaign, 2008, Vol. 85, pp. 591 - 598
CALLIGARIS SONIA, DA PIEVE SARA, KRAVINA GIUDITTA, MANZOCCO LARA, NICOLI MARIA CRISTINA - Shelf life prediction of bread sticks using oxidation indices: a validation study, Journal of food science, Chicago (US), 2008, Vol. 73, pp. 51 - 56
KRAVINA GIUDITTA, CALLIGARIS SONIA, NICOLI MARIA CRISTINA - Shelf life modeling of photosensitive food: the case of colored beverages, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, Washington, 2008, Vol. 56, pp. 5158 - 5164
MANZOCCO LARA, ANESE MONICA, NICOLI MARIA CRISTINA - Radiofrequency inactivation of oxidative food enzymes in model system and apple derivatives, Food research international , Barking, 2008, Vol. 41, pp. 1044 - 1049
MORET SABRINA, PURCARO GIORGIA, CONTE LANFRANCO - Evaluation of contaminants, oxidation status and characterisation of volatile fraction in transformed swine meat chain, Progress in nutrition , Fidenza, 2008, Vol. 10, pp. 69 - 80
PAVSLER ANDREA, BORTOLOMEAZZI RENZO, BUIATTI STEFANO - Shelf life of beer: qualitative determination of alpha- and alpha, beta-unsatured aldehydes by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry using SPME on-fiber derivatization, Industrie delle bevande, Pinerolo (IT), 2008, Vol. 37, pp. 107 - 109
PURCARO GIORGIA, MORET SABRINA, CONTE LANFRANCO - Optimisation of microwave assisted extraction (MAE) for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) determination in smoked meat, Meat science, New York, 2009, Vol. 81, pp. 275 - 280
PURCARO GIORGIA, MORET SABRINA, CONTE LANFRANCO - Rapid SPE-HPLC determination of the 16 European priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in olive oils, Journal of separation science , Weinheim, 2008, Vol. 31, pp. 3936 - 3944
RANTSIOU KALLIOPI, URSO ROSALINDA, DOLCI PAOLA, COMI GIUSEPPE, COCOLIN LUCA - Microflora of Feta cheese from four Greek manufacturers, International journal of food microbiology, Amsterdam, 2008, Vol. 126, pp. 36 - 42
RENAVILLE BENEDICTE FRANCE GHISLAINE, BACCIU N., COMIN ANTONELLA, MOTTA M., POLI I., VANINI G., PRANDI ALBERTO - Plasma and follicular fluid fatty acid profiles in dairy cows, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Verlag (Berlino), 2008, pp. 1 - 4
SOLDERA SUSI, SEBASTIANUTTO NERINA, BORTOLOMEAZZI RENZO - Composition of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of commercial aqueous smoke flavorings, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, Washington, 2008, Vol. 56, pp. 2727 - 2734
URSO ROSALINDA, RANTSIOU KALLIOPI, DOLCI PAOLA, ROLLE LUCA, COMI GIUSEPPE, COCOLIN LUCA SIMONE - Yeast biodiversity and dynamics during sweet wine production as determined by molecular methods, FEMS Yeast Research, DELFT (The Netherlands), 2008, Vol. 8, pp. 1053 - 1062
National Proceedings
International Proceedings
ANESE MONICA, BORTOLOMEAZZI RENZO, MANZOCCO LARA, CALLIGARIS SONIA, NICOLI MARIA CRISTINA - Physical removal of acrylamide from heated foods , ABSTRACTS COST 927 Action Management Comittee Meeting Working Groups Meeting, October 2-4, pp. 49 - 49, Smolenice, Slovakia, 2008
CALLIGARIS SONIA, MANZOCCO LARA, NICOLI MARIA CRISTINA - Development of nanoemulsions as intelligent flavour delivery systems in foods: study of the role of lipid physical state on flavour release ,, Nanotechnology for Industry 2015, 10th-14th March, Conference Abstracts,, pp. 131 - 131, Venezia, 2008 - ed. Veneto Nanotech (ITALIA)
CIVILINI MARCELLO - Predictive applications of biofiltration on VOCs industrial emissions , Conference on biofiltration for air pollution control, pp. 119 - 128, Long Beach, CA, 2008 - ed. USC-UAM
CONTE LANFRANCO - Analytical methods for olive oils ourity, Quality and safety assessment, between needs for standardisation, international rules and analytical methods innovative approaches, Symposium Enhancing the Status of Typical Products Conventional and Innovative Analytical Methods for Characterizing the Geographic Origin and Genuineness of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, July 11, pp. 16 - 23, Bari, 2008
CONTE LANFRANCO, MORET SABRINA, PURCARO GIORGIA - PAHs in fatty foods, occurrence, formation pathways, innovative analytical methods, international legislation, COST 927 Action Management Comittee Meeting Working Groups Meeting, October 2-4, pp. 19 - 19, Smolenice, Slovakia, 2008
CONTE LANFRANCO, MORET SABRINA, PURCARO GIORGIA, MAREGA MILENA, PIZZALE LORENA, BORTOLOMEAZZI RENZO - Quality and purity control: pros and cons of current standards and in-house methods , 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, 7-10 September, pp. 35 - 35, Athens, 2008
RENAVILLE BENEDICTE FRANCE GHISLAINE, GLENN KIMBERLY, MOTE BENNY E., FAN BIN, ROTHSCHILD MAX F. - SREBP pathway genes as candidate gene markers in country ham production, Plant & Animal Genomes XVI Conference, January 12-16,, pp. 179 - 179, San Diego, California, USA, 2008
RENAVILLE BENEDICTE FRANCE GHISLAINE, PIASENTIER EDI, VITALE MAURO, ROTHSCHILD MAX F., PRANDI ALBERTO - SCD polymorphism affect oleic to stearic acid ratio in San Daniele ham, Plant & Animal Genomes XVII Conference, January 10-14,, pp. 532 - 532, San Diego, CA, 2009 - ed. USDA-ARS (USA)
ZIRONI ROBERTO, BATTISTUTTA FRANCO, COMUZZO PIERGIORGIO, TAT LARA, SCOBIOALA SERGIU - A survey on Some compositional parameters in wines from organic viticulture, 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress - Organic Viticulture and Wine Conference, June 16th-17th, 2008, pp. 1 - 1, Levizzano (MO), 2008
MANZOCCO LARA - Metodo per la produzione di vegetali freschi in pezzi basato sull'impiego combinato di luce ultravioletta ed acidificazione, Domanda di Brevetto n.PD2008A000214, 21 luglio 2008, 2008 - ed. Universita' degli Studi di Udine (ITALIA)
MORET SABRINA, PURCARO GIORGIA, CONTE LANFRANCO - PAHs in foods, Chromedia,, 2008 - ed. CHOMEDIA BV, Amsterdam, NL
NICOLI MARIA CRISTINA - FoodLife, supporto per la stima in tempi rapidi della vita commerciale di conserve sott'olio e prodotti da forno (guida all'uso + CD-ROM),, 2008 - ed. Area Science Park (ITALIA), Padriciano (Trieste)